Launches new Website
More information to follow
International Amateur Pheasant Classic winner Cairds You're So Vain owned by Kyle and Liz Price and handled by Donald Henderson.
Mark October 17th on your calendar! The Atlantic Sportsman's Club is having a Wild Bird Fun Day on Grouse and Woodcock in West Caledonia NS. The Fall Woodcock Migration will be in full swing and here is an opportunity to run your dogs on our Field Trial Courses to better understand the new layouts for the Upcoming Irish Settlers Open Wild Bird Classic on November 13-14. We have made the following changes.The Donnellan/Murphy Farmstead Course (Previously referred to as Course 3) will include Murphy Hill in the hour stake. This will now be the opening course of the day.The Boyle/McBride Farmstead Course (Previously referred to as Course 2 ) will be the second course of the day and it will include McBride Hill in the 1 hour StakeThe Menchan/Codd Farmstead Course ( Previously referred to as Course 1) will now be the third course of the day.Above is the running order for the courses each day, however, in the afternoon, each brace will start at the pickup. So we are running each course backward in the afternoon. So why are we doing this? The 1-hour courses are generally 15 minutes longer than needed and so much of that extra course is great cover and not reached in the hour. So why don't we run them backward each time? Well, the breakaway also has great cover too! Changing up the direction should provide more opportunities for bird contacts. We can do this without much confusion because our courses start and end within 50 yards of the Breakaway and Pickup.This will give "a feel" as if you are running on 6 courses and I'm rather excited with the format. Think back when you are hunting roads and the many times on the return your dog found birds it missed for one reason or another.So plans are to meet at the NSLC in Caledonia at 10 AM October 17th and if it's raining then 24th.Please go to the below link and fill in the information and register. Lunch will be provided at the grounds for $10.00.2021-09-18
We are working towards having 6 courses for our Irish Settlers Open Wild Bird Classic to better utilize the three courses we have now. Our courses are generally 1 hour 15 minutes and during the Season Opener in August we had to arrange the courses to 3/4 Hr limiting key habitat where Woodcock and Grouse are found. Since our courses are basically a circle looping back to the breakaway we will run them backward in the afternoon providing some new cover to each course. So these are not 6 truly different courses but will provide the dogs I think a better opportunity to find birds on the second running each day. From what I have seen in our last trial so much of our courses were not used because of pickups, dogs lost, or slow pace. Much of that great cover at the 40-minute mark will now be available in the afternoon at perhaps the 20-minute mark by running it backward. These grounds are a work in progress and will be changed as we find improvements. We have stepped up and going to offer a $1000 Cash Prize Split 70/30 between Winner and Runnerup. Lodging will be at the Upper Clements Cottages & RV Park and take note our draw is rather early November 3rd because of our commitment to book three cottages and their cancellation policy. Each Cottage has a kitchen, living room, and two bedrooms and should provide lodging for 4 people. The price per cottage per night is less than $150. Chris will be providing lodging at his cottage in Bear River and Austin will be providing lodging at his place. The Grounds for The Amateur Pheasant Classic on Friday, November 12th is approximately 1/2 hour away from the cottages and Austin's place is only a short drive up the road. Chris's Cottage is perhaps 20 minutes away from the Park. The issue with the lodging in Upper Clements is the distance to West Caledonia ( Irish Settlers Classic) is a 1-hour drive however the pricing for lodging is very reasonable and it's great to all be together in mostly one location, The other advantage is it's less than an hour from St John/ Digby Ferry. I'll provide updates on both Classic as we move closer to the trial date.
The Irish Settlers Open Wild Bird Classic for 2021 will be a Payout and these custom made Rosettes from Ireland awarded to the Winner and Runner-Up
UPDATE! The Atlantic Sportsman's Club Wild Bird Trial has decided to change their 1-hour Open Shooting Dog Stake to 45 minutes. Courses are 1 hour and the extra 15 minutes will provide a cool-down period between braces for dogs, handlers, and the judges. Weather is unpredictable but historically expect temps in the mid-20s. For this trial, I suggest booking your rooms at the Best Western Liverpool. There is ample room to stake out the dogs around the back and a walking trail. Two Queen bedrooms start at $145.00 1-855-516-1090. It's situated approximately 45 minutes from the grounds. Breakfast is available at the Best Western, MacDonald's, or Tim Hortons. Daily lunches will be provided at the grounds and Saturday Night the Club will host a banquet at my Cottage on Ponhook Lake (20-minutes from the grounds ) Entrance fees will be provided after my budget is finished. So mark on your Calender August 21-22 and let's hope for favorable weather and cooperative birds. More information to follow and don't confuse this with our Fall Classic in November!
New Study on Woodcock Migration reveals
The 4 Leaf Clovers arrived. May the luck be with you! According to Irish tradition, those who find a four-leaf clover are destined for good luck, as each leaf in the clover symbolizes good omens for faith, hope, love, and luck for the finder.These will be presented to each trialer at the breakaway, The Irish Settlers Wild Bird Classic
I emailed Dr. Amanda MacDonald and she is excited to have our participation in the 2021 WNV Grouse Season Survey for Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. This will include Ruffed Grouse, Woodcock and Pheasant blood samples. She is asking everyone to send her an email with full name and address including number of sample kits. I suggest you count up what you bagged last year and ask her for that amount. Her email address is
Winner—DADDY’S LITTLE BOY BUTCH, 1655649, pointer male, by Chasehill Little Bud—Richfield Stella. Paul Scott, owner; John Stolgitis, handler.
Runner-Up—DUCK HOOK, 1668288, pointer male, by Erin’s War Creek—Brave Heart Cassie. Richard Straub, owner; John Stolgitis, handler.
WINNERS of the Atlantic Open Woodcock Classic on Sept 12th 2020 West Caledonia Nova Scotia is WINNER Cairds Little Macy Mae handled by Pro trainer Robert Little
RUNNER UP Ponhook's Sassy Pants Owned and Handled by Ian Corbett
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